Tree Nut free 302 results

Bye-bye Colds and Flu, Virus-Busting Garlic Soup

Say hello to delicious wellness! Say good-bye to any virus with this powerful immune-boosting soup. My personal favorite high-potency cold and flu buster ingredients are: Garlic, Coconut oil, Ginger, Reishi, Astralagus, Calendula, Oregano, and Schizandra. This recipe uses the first six, however feel free to make your own variation, as it's very flexible. If you don't have any one ingredient, just skip it and the soup will still be divine. Read more about how to use all these virus-busting herbs ...

Authentic Borscht, Paleo-Style

I'm crazy for beets, a potent immune-building, anti-cancer food. With its rich red color and satisfying Old World flavor, my European friends said they’d never tasted a better Borscht. I guess my old-world roots are coming out today! This is not just a root veggie soup with beets and carrots. It's got surprise additions of sweet potato and rutabaga to give this soup a novel flavor twist. Beets are loaded with healthy Nitric Oxide, which lowers blood pressure, strengthens the immune system ...

Strawberry Beet Superfood Smoothie

Today my smoothie turned out incredibly yummy! I was in the mood for something energizing, super-nourishing, rich, creamy, and anti-oxidant, with a bit of sweetness. Fresh strawberries were calling me, and a few minutes later I was enjoying my delicious shake! Strawberries are high in vitamin C, potassium, folic acid, and fiber. Look for organic strawberries, as they're one of the nasty "Dirty Dozen" foods that absorb larger quantities of pesticides. Going Organic is always safer for ...

Kashmiri Curry Chicken Tenders

This exotic dish will warm you deep inside. I love tantalizing Asian spices like turmeric, coriander, and Thai ginger. Easy to prepare, just marinate the chicken, roll in coconut flakes, and bake until crispy! And it tastes absolutely divine with my No-Peanut Sauce! The secrets to its flavor are Turmeric and Galangal, also called Thai ginger. All these are immunity-booting herbs for the kidney system. Galangal is somewhat spicier than regular ginger root and gives the flavor a tanta...

Pumpkin Golden Milk

This creamy rich Golden Milk brings deep satisfaction in 5 minutes. Turmeric stimulates blood circulation, and it's SO delicious with pumpkin! Curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric is a powerful anti-inflammatory superfood that destroys cancer cells. Essentially turmeric helps to tonify your organs to keep the immune system in peak condition. But before you start sprinkling turmeric on everything, please know that curcumin (its major active compound) is poorly absorbed in the body. To ...

Paleo No-Cornmeal Waffles with Easy Blueberry Sauce

Irresistible, crunchy, grain-free flavor, without any corn! So quick to make, you can enjoy waffles in 10 minutes. The secret to their crispy golden texture is blended coconut flakes. These scrumptious babies are low carb, gluten-free, Paleo, sugar-free, and GMO-free. You will need a blender. Go ahead! Just turn on your waffle iron now and try! ...

Paleo Chicken Satay

Authentic Thai Chicken Satay on skewers is is a succulent rainbow of exotic flavors. It's so easy to make, just mix the marinade, soak the chicken, thread them on skewers, and bake. For a tasty dip, try them with Thai No-Peanut Sauce. This traditional recipe is Paleo-adapted to be free of refined sugars, gluten, and peanuts. Asian spices add an exotic flavor. The recipe is also nightshade-free, as it contains no tomatoes, peppers, or cayenne, which are common allergens. Oven-baking the chicken ...

Low-Carb Keto English Muffins!

These classic English Muffins are easy and authentic, you’ll want to make them - and eat them - every day! They look just like store-bought muffins - dense, fluffy, and white. Except they're made without flour! These are super healthy, low-carb, gluten-free, grain-free, GMO-free, and won't cause blood sugar spike or weight gain. Surprise! Their main ingredients are coconut butter and eggs! Toast these babies and spread them with your favorite Paleo Non-Dairy Butter, Paleo Raspberry ...

Low-Carb High-Protein Quinoa Waffles in 15-min.

Fluffy, high-protein, low-carb, flourless, gluten-free, grain-free, sugar-free waffles? In less than 15 minutes? Yummy! I was craving waffles today, tired of sticky-sweets for breakfast. Quinoa is a tasty ancient Incan superfood. Even better, it’s a complete protein! Quinoa is NOT a grain. Instead it's a seed related to beets and spinach! This recipe requires soaking the quinoa seeds overnight. If you can remember to do this, the rest is a snap. Soaking removes bitter lectins and ...

15-Minute Green Goddess Detox Soup

Pamper your taste buds with this rich, detoxifying soup!  "Only the pure in heart can make a good soup." said Ludwig von Beethoven. This satisfying soup is the perfect nourishment AND detox medicine, using the magic of pure vegetables. The recipe makes a big pot, and it’s very flexible - feel free to use any veggies on hand. I love green beans, asparagus, and zucchini. (But, if you don’t like asparagus, just use another veggie!)  For a beautiful green color, I used mostly green ...

Gluten-free Blueberry Pancakes with Berrylicious Sauce

I can’t live without blueberry pancakes. Especially when we can enjoy them in 15 minutes. These babies are healthy, grain-free, quick, and scrumptious. As you probably know, I'm very fond of coconut butter, which gives a luscious, low-carb richness without  chemicals, flour, or gluten. Hooray! Blueberry pancakes taste even better with easy Berrylicious Sauce. BTW, leftover pancakes freeze well in a resealable bag with parchment paper between the layers. Pull them out when needed and heat ...

Grated Beet and Carrot Salad

Today is a potluck meeting with neighbors. What to make? I've got 2 beets, 2 carrots, some herbs and baby spinach in the fridge, all organic. Well, I guess it's time for my favorite grated beet & carrot salad! This is a super-healthy side dish that's yummy with everything. It's also a perfect choice if you have a food processor with a grating blade - you'll be done in 10 minutes. If not, I'd make something else! Ha Ha! If you DO have a grating blade, that's wonderful! Just grate the beets ...

Easy Paleo Crepes!

I'm totally amazed, these crepes are so quick and easy. Just blend 4 ingredients and presto! Perfect crepes like Julia Child!  Fill them, roll them, fold them, drizzle with your favorite sauce. These babies are Paleo, free of gluten, grains, sugar, tree nuts, soy, GMO's, and nightshades. Hooray! Now you can now make any of these amazing Paleo crepe dishes: ...

Paleo Mushroom Crepes with Tarragon Cheese Sauce

Luscious and elegant, every bite of these savory crêpes transports me to Paris. The Tarragon Cheese Sauce is deliciously rich, tangy, and blends beautifully with the mushroom filling. This recipe is dairy-free of course. Instead of cheese, the sauce uses dairy-free coconut milk, lemon and nutritional yeast. ...

Paleo Hamburgers with Low-Carb Ketogenic Buns!

How do you like your hamburger? My idea of heaven is a grass-fed burger piled high with avocado, lettuce, tomato and organic bacon. However THIS post is all about the Keto bun!  Ha ha!  My new discovery is a super-easy low-carb bun that's gluten-free, grain-free, with no pesticides or Monsanto ingredients. Mix the batter in a food processor with coconut butter and eggs. Bake in an English muffin ring. Presto! The bun rises beautifully in the oven and slices just like a hamburger bun. ...

Instant Coconut Whipped Cream

Every dessert deserves a crowning touch. Here's a luscious whipped cream topping you can make in 1 minute, using full-fat canned coconut milk. This topping is Vegan, Paleo, dairy-free. I think it's tastier than whipped cream or any store-bought substitute. Just chill a can of thick, full-fat coconut milk in the refrigerator for 8 hours. ...

Wild Salmon Salad with Fennel

This zesty Asian-style salad is loaded with flavor and omega-3 nutrition. Steaming is a quick and gentle way of cooking salmon that retains enzymes and never exceeds 212°F. Serve this salad warm or cold, either as a lunch or a light main meal. Fennel's delicious flavor compliments the salmon, avocado and crunchy almonds. I suggest wild Alaska salmon as the safest fish, to avoid toxins in farmed fish and "Atlantic-raised" fish. To maximize health benefits from fish, I believe it's important ...

Sprouted Quinoa Salad with Avocado

This is my favorite way to eat quinoa, because it is delicious, high in fiber, nutritious and super-quick! Quinoa is a gluten-free, celiac-safe complete protein, which makes it an ideal nourishing vegetarian meal. Quinoa is an ancient Incan plant related to beet and chard. Since it's not a grass or a grain, I guess it sort-of qualifies as "Paleo". Quinoa has countless health benefits: It is high in magnesium, fiber, minerals, and it acts as a natural pro-biotic to promote intestinal health. ...

Zoodles in 1-minute flat

How to make zucchini noodles? Zoodles are a guilt-free, no-weight-gain solution to authentic Italian dishes like Pasta AlfredoWay better than rice, corn, quinoa, and other high-carb, processed noodles, nothing beats fresh vegetable spaghetti! Once you try zoodles you'll never go back! ...

Zoodle Soup with Mushrooms & Seaweed

Classic Asian noodle soup with a healthy twist, this is loaded with real nutrition from broth, meat, seaweed, and veggies. I'm a HYUUUGE vegetable-lover, so I use this recipe to load up on every veggie available. It's a great use for leftover veggies, so you could call this “Refrigerator Noodle Soup” because it’s flexible and a great way to clean out the fridge. Zoodles are zucchini noodles, free of grains, gluten, and so easy to make with a spiral vegetable slicer, mandoline, or ...